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Some days later, mama came to taunt me again, reminding me of her quest for me to be a house keeper for her brother at Abuja.


Bia Nnamdi, so you still haven’t thought about going to Abuja for the house keeping job ehkwah!!!….she said, with her hands on her waist.


Mama I told you the other day that I can never be a house keeper, over my d£@d body would i do that.


How do you expect a whole PhD degree holder like me to go and become an ordinary house keeper for your brother it doesn’t make any sense mama.


It’s like a lion eating grass because there are no animals in the bush which doesn’t makes sense to me….I said.


Nnamdi since you claimed you are the lion and didn’t see any animals in the bush to eat, then you would have to eat grass to survive oh, so you don’t di*£ of hunger….mama said sc0rnfu*lly.


Then I would rather d*i£ hungry than to go for less.


Oh i see, so it’s because you are eating my food anyhow you have mouth to talk to me anyhow abii,


Nnamdi I give you just three days to make a decision of traveling to Abuja, if not, I will send you parking out of my house because I cannot continue feeding a grown man like you, when your mate’s are the one feeding their parents.


Mama kept talking and talking and I left her to my room ang*rily.


While I was in my room, i kept having a though time contemplating if I should go to Abuja or not.


And then after 30 minutes

Of contemplating, I made a decision to go to Abuja and take the house keeping job from my uncle.


Maybe i might be even lucky to get a well paying Job there sef….I thought.


Later I went to meet Mama to tell her of my decision.


So Nnamdi, have you made up your mind to travel to Abuja?….she asked eargerly.


Yes mama, I would take the house keeping job, inform uncle that I would be in Abuja in a week time.


Okay my son i will do that right away, now you are talking….mama said happily.


At the cool of the evening, i went to see my girlfriend ogechi, at our usual spot and when I got there, i saw her already waiting for me.


I and ogechi usually meet at my mother’s cassava farm because, her parents doesn’t want me anywhere close to ogechi.


According to them, they don’t want their daughter to marry a broke man like me because I am not man enough to marry her.


So we started sneaking to meet at my mother’s cassava farm where no one can see us and go and tell her parents.


Immediately she saw me, she smiled exposing her beautiful gap tooth which made me find her irresistible.


Good evening obim, you kept me waiting for long….she said embracing me.


Good evening ogechi am sorry I was busy with some things at home….I said looking sober.


Nnamdi what’s wrong, you are not in your usual happy self, did mama said anything wrong to you again…she asked wor*riedly.


Ogechi am fine, it’s just that I would miss you so so much.


You would miss me??… Nnamdi tell me what is going on please.


And then i held her close to my chest in a hug.


Ogechi am sorry to announce to you that I would be leaving this village in a week time to Abuja to search for greener pastures.


Ogechi pulled away from me immediately staring at me in sh0ck.


What do you mean Nnamdi, tell me this is a joke please….she asked already cr*yi*Ng.


Am sorry ogechi, but am serious, it’s not a joke, for some time now mama has been disturbing me to go and work for her younger brother in Abuja as a house keeper so I could earn money.


At first I refused but mama said she would cu*rs£ me if I don’t get the job, ogechi please understand me.


I need to go and hustle for our future, may be fate might smile on me and I would get a better job and I will come and many you immediately.


Ogechi biko, bear with me oh, I promise I will come back for you just give me three years….I said calming ogechi who was already cr*yi.ng uncontrollably.


Nnamdi promise me you will come back for me and not follow all those Abuja fine fine girls oh….she said looking at my eyes.


Ogechi i promise you, it might not even take up to three years sef, just put me in your prayers that things should fall in place for me over there, and I will come back immediately and marry you trust me.


Ogechi smiled and her irresistible gap tooth showed and it turned me on.


We shared a hot french ki*ss which led to a quicki£.


After we were done i gave ogechi some money but she rejected it and told me i will need it more.


I was very grateful to her and we had our last hug and went to our various home’s happily.


To be continued….

2 thoughts on “MY UNCLE’S WIFE AND I EPISODE 2”

  1. So this is what I hv been missing since 😢 😕 😔, …..
    Dis story sweet walhi , i can’t wait for the next episode.

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